In the heart of Anaheim, nestled within the sought-after Placentia Yorba Linda school district, lies an incredible fixer-upper opportunity. This residence eagerly awaits your personal touch to transform it into your dream home. Tucked away at the end of a peaceful cul-de-sac, its potential knows no bounds.
The major updates have already been taken care of for you – the water heater and HVAC system have been recently replaced, ensuring your comfort and convenience. Several years ago, all windows and sliders were redone, and the roof stands sturdy and reliable. With these essentials in place, the canvas of the property awaits your creative vision.
Noteworthy is the inviting pool, ready to be revitalized to offer you years of entertainment and relaxation. Set within a spacious backyard, adorned with your very own citrus grove, this space is primed for enjoyment and gatherings with loved ones.
Seize this opportunity to craft your forever home from this exceptional lot and residence. The possibilities are endless, and the journey to creating something truly special begins here.