While space values keep rising, the current owner is selling these beautiful units below market. There are 32 spaces available & are being sold privately either individually or in a package for a better deal. The spaces are nestled in the beautiful Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery, home to veteran heroes, old Hollywood royalty, aviation pioneers & many other locals that have found their final resting place here. The cemetery is located in a haven of tranquility, these sacred grounds offer more than just a final resting place, they provide a sanctuary for cherished memories to bloom eternally. The property includes many warming features such as fountains, endless greenery, trees, scenic mountain views, watersides, memorials, museums, daily service & maintenance, & much more..... Single lots currently range from $20,995 & up to $32,995. Seller is willing to sell for less than their actual cost. In the 5th photo you can see the various spaces available & their cost range. Seller is willing to sell the first 4 spaces for $15,000 each. Seller is also open to package offers, the more spaces purchased together, the bigger the discount he is ok with. Please feel free to reach out for further details.