Driver-through only do not disturb the tenants.The property is built-out two stories, including a ground-floor retail shops and upper-level two-bedroom residential apartment. The upper- level includes multiple private retail stores. Monthly rental income from 2bed-room=$900/$950 upper-level.Retail stores, Insurance office=$700,Beauty Supply=$2,400, Closing&snack Ship=$2,600, 1 vacant Space=project$1,000 per months. The Beer and Wine Market Owner user= Currently Closed(Health issue) All Months to Month/ The Property is As is condition to purchase. The Property Summary/The property with 3 APN: 5041-035-021(533Bld SF),APN:5031-035-022(1,144 Bld SF), APN:5041-035-023(1,589SF). Total 9,810sf, lot size, Zoning; LAC2