The address is approximately 46700 National Trails Highway, Newberry Springs, CA 92365 The subject property is 1.42+- acres with 337 feet of Highway 40 frontage and fenced on two sides. Electricity is on National Trails Highway, water is by water well, and sewer is by septic. There is a lot of potential for this property such as for an electronics billboard, real estate sign lot, cellular tower, a house, mobile home/house w cattle, livestock, etc. Priced to sell. The location is the address above and the GPS coordinates are (please enter these in the address section of maps in your smart phone and it will take you to the locations): NE: 34.821506, -116.640931 NW: 34.821700, -116.642025 SE: 34.821091, -116.640929 SW: 34.821088, -116.642027