Bare Parcel of land zoned MXC at 0.43+/- acres fronting Oro Dam Blvd in the City Limits of Oroville. MXC may allow commercial related or 15-30 units per acre with proper planning. Get an engineer involved to do something creative with the culvert that runs along the east side of this triangular shaped lot & create something unique here. There is a 26 unit apartment complex adjacent, an apartment building across the street, as well as other commercial related properties within 1,000+/- yards of this property. Including Rite Aid, Walgreens, AM/PM Gas, Banking Facilities, Oroville Hospital Immediate Care Building, Oroville Sports Club, Restaurants, Etc. Current owner was contemplating building a small scale apartment complex with some proper planning. Oroville Hospital & the construction of their new building just a minutes drive over. Cal water, PGE, Sewer & Phone all at street ready to tap into. Potential buyers advised to consult & verify with city of Oroville building & planning to satisfy ones self as to future building ideas/plans. Possibilities here with the right mindset & crew to accomplish the task.