Brand new access road as of June 22, 2023! $12,000 recently invested in upgrading both entry roads. The majority of the 10 acres is relatively flat in two elevations. Ready to build on with a very large (100’ x 145’) house pad that has passed the Fresno County Compaction Test. Temporary power on pad and connected to water well with new 500 gallon storage tank. Septic system is ready to go with a stub-out on pad. A large pond with Sycamore Creek running through the middle of the property. All at the perfect elevation of 3,600 feet that is much cooler than the Valley in the summer and where it only snows occasionally in the winter (nowhere near the amount that Shaver Lake gets!). There is a 2nd well on the other side of the creek. Multiple dirt and crushed asphalt roads on parcel. Property was affected by the 2020 Creek Fire, but most of it has been cleaned up as well as reforestation efforts taking place with tree plantings in the Fall of 2021, Spring of 2022, and 170 more seedlings planted in May 2023. The other dead, affected trees in the background of some of the photos will be removed by the end of summer. Perfect location to build your Dream Home or set up a Tiny house for now. We are empty nesters now and will be moving to be near our kids. This is such a beautiful, quiet, and peaceful place to raise a family - and we loved the sounds of the creek flowing (especially at night!). Less than 10 miles to Shaver Lake, 27 miles to China Peak, 3 miles to Pine Ridge School, 12 miles to Sierra Jr./Sr. High School, 33 miles to Clovis.