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No Mansion Tax in Greater Los Angeles: New Opportunities for Beverly Hills Luxury Market
No Mansion Tax in Greater Los Angeles: New Opportunities for Beverly Hills Luxury MarketNo Mansion Tax in Greater Los Angeles: New Opportunities for Beverly Hills Luxury Market
Jul 17, 2024
The Fed is expected to cut interest rates soon: Homebuyers see the dawn
The Fed is expected to cut interest rates soon: Homebuyers see the dawnThe Fed is expected to cut interest rates soon: Homebuyers see the dawn
Jul 12, 2024
Shrinking New Homes: Market Demand Shifts and Housing Size Innovations
Shrinking New Homes: Market Demand Shifts and Housing Size InnovationsShrinking New Homes: Market Demand Shifts and Housing Size Innovations
Jul 3, 2024
Real Estate Market Watch: The Supply-Demand Balance and Mortgage Implications Behind Home Price Volatility
Real Estate Market Watch: The Supply-Demand Balance and Mortgage Implications Behind Home Price VolatilityReal Estate Market Watch: The Supply-Demand Balance and Mortgage Implications Behind Home Price Volatility
Jul 1, 2024
Patience Will Pay Off: The Value of Your Home in 5 and 10 Years
Patience Will Pay Off: The Value of Your Home in 5 and 10 YearsPatience Will Pay Off: The Value of Your Home in 5 and 10 Years
Jun 24, 2024
California Property Resale Regulation: Impact and Market Response to AB 968
California Property Resale Regulation: Impact and Market Response to AB 968California Property Resale Regulation: Impact and Market Response to AB 968
Jun 19, 2024
Long unsold listings: the mystery of luck, pricing and opportunity
Long unsold listings: the mystery of luck, pricing and opportunityLong unsold listings: the mystery of luck, pricing and opportunity
Jun 12, 2024
U.S. Housing Market Returns to Normal: Significant Inventory Increase Trend
U.S. Housing Market Returns to Normal: Significant Inventory Increase TrendU.S. Housing Market Returns to Normal: Significant Inventory Increase Trend
Jun 5, 2024
US Housing Market Boom: California Home Prices Top $900,000 for the First Time!
US Housing Market Boom: California Home Prices Top $900,000 for the First Time!US Housing Market Boom: California Home Prices Top $900,000 for the First Time!
May 24, 2024
Challenges Facing the US Real Estate Market: Decline in Existing Home Sales
Challenges Facing the US Real Estate Market: Decline in Existing Home SalesChallenges Facing the US Real Estate Market: Decline in Existing Home Sales
May 23, 2024
Miami Faces Unprecedented Shortage of Over 90,000 Affordable Housing Units
Miami Faces Unprecedented Shortage of Over 90,000 Affordable Housing UnitsMiami Faces Unprecedented Shortage of Over 90,000 Affordable Housing Units
May 20, 2024
Down Payment Drops from Historical High: How Much Do Homebuyers Need Today?
Down Payment Drops from Historical High: How Much Do Homebuyers Need Today?Down Payment Drops from Historical High: How Much Do Homebuyers Need Today?
May 15, 2024
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