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6167 Sylmar Avenue
USD 4,000,000
Property ID: 24413029
6167 Sylmar Avenue ,91401
icon Land
icon 22536 SqFt
icon Built in 0001
icon USD 177/SqFt
icon 0 Bed
icon 0 Full
icon --
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Property Type Land
Property Condition --
Architectural Style --
New Construction --
Year Built 0001
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Detailed Introduction Of This Home
We proudly presents 6167 Sylmar Ave, also known as 14401 Calvert St, a 22,529 square foot corner lot in the heart of Van Nuys. The property is located just a block away from City Hall and is surrounded by a neighborhood undergoing redevelopment. Situated at 6167 Sylmar Ave, the property is currently a parking lot located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Sylmar St and Calvert St. The corner location, along with 150 feet of frontage on both Sylmar Ave. and Calvert St, offers tremendous flexibility in design and parking accommodation for future homes. The property takes advantage of the recently up-zoned TOC Tier 4 and the Qualified Opportunity Zone designation of this QC2-2D-CDO Lot, maximizing its potential for future development in this growing and improving area. A savvy developer could build 112 units by right or utilize TOC and density bonus benefits to build 204 units. The lot is near many government buildings, providing easy access to potential future tenants with good incomes. Furthermore, its proximity to the LA Sheriff's Department and LAPD offers a sense of safety. Downtown Van Nuys is experiencing growth with job opportunities and rapid transit options, including the potential Metro Light Rail Project along Van Nuys Blvd, connecting the Orange Bus Line to the south and the City of San Fernando to the north, and possibly linking to the Sepulveda Pass Transit Corridor. Metro staff are recommending a 9.2-mile light rail line between the Orange Line's Van Nuys Station and the Sylmar/San Fernando Metrolink Station for the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor project. The Metro Board of Directors will consider adopting light rail as the "locally preferred alternative" at their next meeting. The new rail line would run mostly down the center of Van Nuys Boulevard and along the San Fernando railroad right-of-way, adjacent to San Fernando Road. The line would have 14 stations with an end-to-end travel time of 31 minutes. Metro staff determined that light rail was faster, offered more capacity and would better serve the community in the future than bus rapid transit (BRT), the other type of transit under study for the project. Van Nuys Boulevard is the second-busiest bus corridor in the San Fernando Valley and seventh-highest in the Metro system. The rail line would also offer transfers to/from the Orange Line, several busy Metro bus lines, Metrolink, Amtrak and two future Metro projects the Sepulveda Transit Corridor rail line and the North San Fernando Valley BRT line.
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Contact Development/Agent
Cissy Tang
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6167 Sylmar Avenue
USD 4,000,000 0 Beds
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