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House prices and mortgage rates fell
三月 15, 2024
House prices and mortgage rates fell 洛杉磯
By   Internet
  • 城市報
  • Us house prices
  • mortgage rates
  • mortgage rates fall
  • housing market challenges
Abstract: The recent decline in mortgage interest rates and house prices has sparked market attention and interest from buyers. According to the latest data, the average interest rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has dropped from 6.88% to 6.74%, while the rate of house price growth has fallen to below -0.6%. These changes may signal positive signs for buyers, but whether they indicate a sustainable trend remains to be seen.

The chief economist at HouseLand remarked that despite the decrease in mortgage interest rates, the market still faces inflationary pressures, thus rates may remain at relatively high levels. Additionally, the rise in the Consumer Price Index may hinder the Federal Reserve from implementing interest rate cuts, thereby impacting mortgage interest rates to some extent.

Buyers should pay attention to market dynamics, especially fluctuations in mortgage interest rates and house prices. Despite increases in the number of homes for sale and new listings, overall housing supply remains relatively scarce. Buyers need to carefully consider their own needs and financial situations to make wise purchasing decisions in the current market environment.


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On the other hand, the increase in the number of listed homes provides more choices for buyers, which is particularly important for those with clear purchasing plans. However, compared to the years 2017 to 2019, housing supply has still decreased, which may pose a challenge to buyers.

Overall, buyers should closely monitor changes in the market, fully understand trends in mortgage interest rates, house prices, and housing supply. Although there is some uncertainty in the market, it is crucial to be prepared and make informed investment decisions based on actual circumstances.

Therefore, when considering purchasing a home, buyers should carefully evaluate their personal financial situation, market trends, and long-term investment plans to ensure they can make decisions that are in their best interest. Buying a property is a significant decision, and only by doing thorough research and understanding the market comprehensively can one make wise and rational choices.

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House prices and mortgage rates fell